
Version 35 (Adrian Georgescu, 02/22/2009 02:21 pm) → Version 36/150 (Adrian Georgescu, 02/22/2009 02:22 pm)

= Testing =

[[TOC(WikiStart, Sip*, depth=3)]]

Included with the library, a set of command line tools are available for
setting up audio, instant messaging (IM) and file transfer sessions, publish
and subscribe to presence or other type of events.

You need a SIP account from a service provider or to setup your own SIP infrastructure using the following elements:

|| OpenSIPS ||||
|| OpenXCAP||||
|| MSRPRelay||||
||SIP chatserver||||

A SIP account with all the features supported by this library can be obtained for free from

The command line tools require the presence of a configuration file ~/.sipclient/config.ini that contains at least one SIP account. Each SIP account definition contains the credentials and other settings. For a full description of the configuration file and its settings is available in the [wiki:SipConfiguration Configuration] chapter.

The following command Command line tools are availble: tools:

== Register ==

* [wiki:sip_register sip_register] - REGISTER a SIP end-point with a SIP Registrar

== Audio sessions ==

* [wiki:sip_rtp_audio_session sip_audio_session] - Setup a voice audio session (Voice over IP)
* [wiki:sip_message sip_message] - Send/receive text in page mode using SIP MESSAGE method

== Instant messaging ==

* [wiki:sip_msrp_im_session sip_im_session] - Setup IM sessions using MSRP protocol
* [wiki:sip_message sip_message] - Send/receive text in page mode using SIP MESSAGE method

== File transfer ==

* [wiki:sip_msrp_im_session sip_im_session] - Receive a file using MSRP protocol
* [wiki:sip_send_file sip_send_file] - Send a file using MSRP protocol

== Presence ==

* [wiki:sip_publish_presence sip_publish_presence] - PUBLISH presence to a SIP Presence Agent
* [wiki:sip_subscribe_presence sip_subscribe_presence] - SUBSCRIBE to presence information
* [wiki:sip_subscribe_winfo sip_subscribe_winfo] - SUBSCRIBE to watcher list on a SIP Presence Agent

== XCAP policy ==

* [wiki:xcapclient xcapclient] - PUT/GET/DELETE full or partial documents on an XCAP server
* [wiki:xcap_pres_rules xcap_pres_rules] - Manage content of pres-rules XCAP document

== RLS services ==

* [wiki:sip_subscribe_rls sip_subscribe_rls] - SUBSCRIBE to lists managed by Resource List Server
* [wiki:xcap_rls_services] - Manage content of RLS services XCAP document

== Desktop sharing ==

* [wiki:sip_desktop_sharing sip_desktop_sharing] - Share desktop using VNC protocol over MSRP transport