
Version 64 (Adrian Georgescu, 10/19/2012 11:35 am) → Version 65/68 (Adrian Georgescu, 10/19/2012 11:36 am)

h1. SIP Account Management API

This API can be used from third party applications running in and end-point that wish to interact with the SIP account data stored on the server. Data can be read or modified by calling various functions.

h2. Directory Services

SIP2SIP uses
LDAP for directory services: server

* Server LDAP server address: tls://
* Search LDAP search base: ou=addressbook, dc=sip2sip, dc=info

h2. Server Address

To access the API, a client must connect using HTTP protocol to the following address:

The return is encoded using "json":

h2. API Functions

The following actions are supported:

h3. Identity

Returns identity information:

h3. SIP aliases

Return the SIP aliases:

Add an alias to our own account

h3. ENUM numbers

Return the ENUM numbers:

h3. Call history

Returns call history:


h3. Registered devices

Return the list of registered devices

h3. Prepaid

Return the prepaid balance and active calls:

Return the history of prepaid balance:

Return the curent monthly usage:

h3. Call forwarding

Return the call forwarding settings:

Set call forwarding
FUNC = Forward unconditional all calls
FBUS = Forward on Busy
FNOL = Forward on Not Online
FNOA = Forward on No Answer
FUNV = Forward when Not Available based on Accept rules

Pre-defined keywords for diversion targets:



h3. Call filtering

Return the list of accept rules:

Return the list of reject rules:

h3. Voicemail settings

Return the voicemail settings:

h3. Do not disturb

Enabled Do Not Disturb

Disable Do Not Disturb

Enable Do Not Disturb for 60 minutes

h3. Privacy

Enabled privacy (hide Caller Id for outgoing calls)

Disable privacy

h3. Data replication

These function can be used by multiple client instances to replicate arbitrary data among themselves. An example of such application is bidirectional replication of chat messages between multiple clients configured for the same account.

Get journal entries


UUID is the GRUU identifier of the SIP client. ID must be replaced with the last replicated journal_id received from a previous get_journal_entries call. The return contains an array with 'data' entities that were put using the 'put_journal_entries' call.

Put journal entries


The request must be done using POST method by passing two variables uuid=UUID and data=DATA.

UUID is the GRUU identifier of the SIP client.

DATA must be a json encoded associative array containing the 'id' and 'data' keys. 'id' value must be client own identifier corresponding to the replicated data.

'data' value can be anything the client understands when reading it back using a get_journal_entries call. Is recommended that 'data' values are encrypted using a key known only by the client.

The response from the server contains a json encoded array with mappings between client id and server journal id that can be saved by the client for further reference that can be used for 'get_journal_entries' calls.