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Adrian Georgescu, 01/24/2010 03:41 pm


<acronym title="SipTesting*, sip_*, xcap*,depth=2">TOC</acronym>

This script is available in ''sipclients'' package that must be installed separately from SIP SIMPLe client SDK package.

=== Description ===

adigeo@ag-imac3:~$xcap-pres_rules -h
Usage: xcap-pres-rules [options]

This example script will use the specified SIP account to manage presence
rules via XCAP. The program will quit when CTRL+D is pressed.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account-name=ACCOUNT_NAME
The name of the account to use.
-s, --show-xml Show the presence rules XML whenever it is changed and
at start-up.

=== Example ===

Retrieving current presence rules from https://xcap.sipthor.net/xcap-root/
Allowed watchers:

Blocked watchers:

Polite-blocked watchers:
Press (a) to allow, (d) to deny, (p) to politely block a new watcher or (r) to remove a watcher from the rules.
(s) will show the presence rules xml.
Watcher sip: is now authorized