
Version 207 (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé, 06/09/2015 04:25 pm)

1 180 Adrian Georgescu
h1. Installation Instructions
2 1 Adrian Georgescu
3 1 Adrian Georgescu
4 157 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Prerequisites
5 157 Adrian Georgescu
6 157 Adrian Georgescu
7 1 Adrian Georgescu
The following platforms have been tested and are fully supported:
8 1 Adrian Georgescu
9 157 Adrian Georgescu
* Linux Debian and Ubuntu (i386 and amd64 architectures)
10 205 Adrian Georgescu
* MacOSX 10.9, 10.10 (Intel 32 bit architecture)
11 197 Adrian Georgescu
* Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8)
12 117 Adrian Georgescu
13 157 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Current Version
14 157 Adrian Georgescu
15 206 Adrian Georgescu
Released on April 29th, 2015
16 1 Adrian Georgescu
17 157 Adrian Georgescu
| *Package Name* | *Version*|*Description*|
18 206 Adrian Georgescu
| python-sipsimple |2.4.0| SIP SIMPLE Client SDK|
19 206 Adrian Georgescu
| python-msrplib |0.17.0| MSRP client library|
20 202 Adrian Georgescu
| python-xcaplib |1.1.0| XCAP client library|
21 205 Adrian Georgescu
| sipclients| 2.3.0 | Command Line Tools|
22 193 Adrian Georgescu
23 97 Adrian Georgescu
24 157 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Tar Archives
25 157 Adrian Georgescu
26 157 Adrian Georgescu
27 1 Adrian Georgescu
The software is available as a tar archive at:
28 1 Adrian Georgescu
29 1 Adrian Georgescu
30 1 Adrian Georgescu
31 157 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Debian Packages
32 157 Adrian Georgescu
33 172 Adrian Georgescu
The location of repositories are "here":
34 1 Adrian Georgescu
35 1 Adrian Georgescu
Update the list of available packages:
36 1 Adrian Georgescu
37 157 Adrian Georgescu
38 1 Adrian Georgescu
sudo apt-get update
39 157 Adrian Georgescu
40 1 Adrian Georgescu
41 180 Adrian Georgescu
Install SIP SIMPLE Client SDK:
42 1 Adrian Georgescu
43 157 Adrian Georgescu
44 137 Adrian Georgescu
sudo apt-get install python-sipsimple
45 157 Adrian Georgescu
46 1 Adrian Georgescu
47 1 Adrian Georgescu
Install Command Line Tools:
48 1 Adrian Georgescu
49 157 Adrian Georgescu
50 1 Adrian Georgescu
sudo apt-get install sipclients 
51 157 Adrian Georgescu
52 191 Adrian Georgescu
53 191 Adrian Georgescu
54 157 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Version Control Repository
55 78 Adrian Georgescu
56 78 Adrian Georgescu
57 177 Adrian Georgescu
The trunk is stable and recommended for anyone that wishes to use the library. The project policy is to add only tested code to the main repository. Known issues are listed in the "tickets interface":
58 70 Adrian Georgescu
59 157 Adrian Georgescu
The source code is managed using "darcs": version control tool. The darcs repository can be fetched with:
60 157 Adrian Georgescu
61 158 Adrian Georgescu
62 1 Adrian Georgescu
63 1 Adrian Georgescu
64 207 Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
darcs get --set-scripts-executable
65 158 Adrian Georgescu
66 158 Adrian Georgescu
67 159 Adrian Georgescu
h4. Dependencies
68 159 Adrian Georgescu
69 159 Adrian Georgescu
Several dependencies provided by AG Projects can be accessed in the same way:
70 159 Adrian Georgescu
71 158 Adrian Georgescu
72 179 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
73 179 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
74 179 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
75 179 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
76 179 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
77 179 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
78 179 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
79 179 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
80 67 Adrian Georgescu
81 1 Adrian Georgescu
82 157 Adrian Georgescu
h3. Command Line Tools
83 157 Adrian Georgescu
84 157 Adrian Georgescu
85 157 Adrian Georgescu
86 155 Adrian Georgescu
darcs get
87 157 Adrian Georgescu
88 155 Adrian Georgescu
89 155 Adrian Georgescu
To obtain the incremental changes after the initial get, go to the python-sipsimple and sipclients directory and run:
90 1 Adrian Georgescu
91 1 Adrian Georgescu
92 1 Adrian Georgescu
darcs pull -a
93 1 Adrian Georgescu
94 1 Adrian Georgescu
95 1 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Dependencies
96 1 Adrian Georgescu
97 190 Adrian Georgescu
 * python                                         2.7
98 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-application  >=1.4.0
99 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-backports         >=1.0.0
100 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-cjson            >=1.0.5
101 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-dateutil                 >=1.4
102 181 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-eventlib         >=0.1.1
103 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-greenlet          =0.4.0
104 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-gnutls         >=1.1.9
105 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-lxml                             >=2.1.2
106 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-msrplib              >=0.15.0
107 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * python-xcaplib              >=1.0.17
108 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * cython                                     >=0.13.0
109 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * dnspython                                >=1.6.0
110 163 Adrian Georgescu
 * twisted                             >=8.1.0
111 1 Adrian Georgescu
 * zope-interface                                >=3.3.1
112 175 Adrian Georgescu
113 176 Adrian Georgescu
For how to build the dependencies see the documentation that comes with each package. Do no ask us how to build the required dependencies because it is as difficult as having people landed on the Moon, which is not even certain it actually happened.
114 157 Adrian Georgescu
115 157 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Building Instructions
116 157 Adrian Georgescu
117 124 Adrian Georgescu
118 106 Adrian Georgescu
Complete building and installation instructions for the corresponding platforms are available in the doc folder that comes with the source code:
119 157 Adrian Georgescu
120 157 Adrian Georgescu
| Install.linux |  Generic Linux | 
121 157 Adrian Georgescu
| Install.debian |  Debian Linux |  
122 157 Adrian Georgescu
| Install.ubuntu |  Ubuntu Linux |  
123 157 Adrian Georgescu
|  | Microsoft Windows | 
124 1 Adrian Georgescu
| Install.osx-10.7  | MacOSX 10.7 Lion| 
125 199 Adrian Georgescu
| Install.osx-10.8  | MacOSX 10.8 & 10.9| 
126 190 Adrian Georgescu
127 190 Adrian Georgescu
128 190 Adrian Georgescu
h2. Testing
129 190 Adrian Georgescu
130 190 Adrian Georgescu
131 190 Adrian Georgescu
To test SIP SIMPLE Client SDK, you can use the Command Line Tools provided by the sipclients package. Command Line Tools are compatible with MacOSX and Linux only.
132 190 Adrian Georgescu
133 190 Adrian Georgescu
See [[SipTesting|Testing]] page for how to test the SDK.